Thursday, January 7, 2010

Love Dare and Boot Camp

Love Dare Day 1: I made a concious effort to not say anything negative to D yesterday, even jokingly. I think I succeeded, and I pray that I was kind in my words to him. Today's dare is to continue day 1 challenge and also do an unexpected act of kindness. I'm planning to take the dogs out all night so he won't have to go out in the cold. Also, I will put his clothes away while he is watching the Nat'l Championship game. I'll just watch it from the bedroom (Hook 'em, Horns!). Even if these acts go unnoticed, I will know that I am showing love to my knight.

Boot Camp: Going well so far! We did stations today and we all felt like we had a good workout. I did say something jokingly to one of the other girls that she may have felt badly about. I will apologize tomorrow and tell her what I should have said to begin with. Our coach mentioned that they will set up a "biggest loser" challenge next month. I am all for it!

Eating: Today is going great so far. My goals were to not drink soda and not eat sweets at work. I have succeeded at both so far!